Congratulations on deciding to compete in your next bikini competition or figure competition! We know it’s a big commitment, but the feeling of stepping on that stage and showing off your hard work is just as incredibly rewarding.
Prepare for the competition over the next 16 weeks
16 Weeks Out From the Show
Take a good and thorough look at yourself in the mirror and determine if you can hit the stage in the next 4 months. It can be a little difficult to look at yourself, so you can hire a coach to get expert advice and to help you look the best. It will be helpful for you to take your body fat percentage along with your measurements and start taking photos so you can track your progress in your NPC bikini competition prep in the best way possible.
Let’s look at a few things you need to know –
- Self-assessment: You need to set realistic goals for yourself and long-term goals for your fitness, health, and competition preparation.
- Create a plan: The best to achieve your goal is by identifying your weaknesses and strengths. Your competition body goal should be to gain muscle and lose some fat, and for some athletes, it can be both. What you eat is also important, while training in the gym you need to lift heavy weights and perform cardio exercises to look your best.
- Choosing the right competition organization: There are several organizations you can choose from. NPC (National physique committee), OCB (organization of competitive bodybuilders), INBF (International natural bodybuilding federation), WBFF (World beauty fitness & fashion) or NGA (National gym association).
- Learn the rules for the organization you choose.
- Fitness routine: If you choose a fitness competition, learn the requirements of your routine and start practising your skills in the best way possible.
- Attend shows: You can also plan to attend shows, whether local or regional to see how their posing routine is and how the events run. Another good way you can perfect your posing routine is to look up photos of professional competitors from the same organisation you are competing in.
- Build connections: Connect with other competitors in your area. These women can offer you support and you can train together to make your experience even better.
12 Weeks Out From the Show
- Update your training regime and diet plans based on your current physique. Your diet goals should progress you toward your main goal.
- By this time in your bikini competition prep, start looking for competition suits, heels, and jewellery. Do it earlier because it gives you time to look around and make the best decision.
- By this time, you can start working on your posing routine. Take tons of videos and pictures of your poses to refine your skills. Every day spend at least 10 minutes with each pose to perfect them. Spend most of your time practising the front pose because your first impression will make the most difference.
- Remember to keep track of your progress. Keep on updating your body fat percentage, and measurements, and take tons of photos to see how you are pressing.
8 Weeks Out From the Show
- By this time in your prep, you need to start practising walking in your heels. Get comfortable walking in your competition heels, even when you are at home.
- You will also need to adjust your training and diet plans based on your current physique. This will help you meet your goals.
- This is the best time to find the right NPC bikini suit for you. If you need to shop for your bikini competition suit on a budget, you can contact Competition suit shop because their prices start from $299 only and they make all their bikini custom for athletes.
- If you are competing in fitness competitions, practise your posing routine to perform it confidently in front of a huge crowd and judges.
- This is when you need to take more photos and videos of your physique to compare them with older pictures. This will give you a clear view of how much your body has changed and how much you need to work on it. You can also identify areas that need more improvement.
- Add 10 minutes of posing at the end of each workout session each week. Hold each pose for 15 seconds and perform several sets. This will help improve your muscle definition.
- This is also the time to send in your show registration and ensure that you are a member of the organization you plan to compete in.
4 Weeks Out From the Show
- Adjust your training and nutritional plans as you get closer to your competition.
- When you are closest to your final week, determine your meal plan to make the most impact on stage.
- This is also the best time to check in with your suitmaker to confirm your suit will be delivered on time.
- If you are a fitness competitor, practise your stage-posing routine wearing your competition suit and continue working on challenging your skills to avoid any stage injuries as you get closer to the contest.
- Always keep a progress check on your bikini competition figure, and update your body fat percentage, photos, and measurements.
- You should also practise posing without a mirror in front of you. Close your eyes, hit your pose, and open your eyes to check if you are posing accurately. Repeat this process several times to get the best results.
1 Week Out From the Show
- This is by far the most important week in your entire NPC bikini prep journey. Follow this week’s training journey and cardio plans to recover fully and be in your best shape before you hit the stage.
- Do not try to make any drastic changes this week so you stay on track.
- This week’s meal plan will help you lose extra water weight and show your muscle definition in the best way possible.
- This is also the time to take care of your skin for tanning and stage makeup. Pack everything for your show, food, clothes, cooler, everything.
- Keep track of your bikini competition location and timing.
- Arrive early for show check-in and try to attend the competitor meeting to feel confident and prepared.
Show Day!
This is what you have prepared for for the past 4 months! Walk on stage with confidence and sass, knowing you have done everything possible to be in the best shape of your life. For more tips on rules and regulations, check out our essential guide for first-time competitors.
Good luck!